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  • Please see the St. Mary Kindergarten Entry Policy if your child turns 5 in September, October or November, and you are interested in enrolling in kindergarten! We evaluate the whole child and determine if they are ready for Kindergarten at St. Mary.

  • We offer a full day program and a half day morning program 

  • We wear uniforms to school every day

  • We start attending Mass on All Saint’s Day in November 

  • We go on fun field trips to the apple orchard and the Detroit Zoo that enrich our curriculum

  • We attend 6 “specials” classes each week: Art, Library, Computer, Music, Physical Education, and Spanish 

A Typical Day in Kindergarten at St. Mary

Kindergarten at St. Mary is a very special year full of many learning experiences. Each day begins with a morning meeting, which is built on a daily routine that teaches math, literacy, movement, listening, and speaking skills. Through hands-on learning centers, our teachers are able to work with small groups of children, allowing for more individualized instruction. Learning centers focus on the core subjects: Reading, Phonics, Math, Writing, and Word Work. The St. Mary Kindergarten program balances the academic knowledge that is foundational for future learning with the sensory and motor experiences that are so vital for a child’s development. The Kindergarten students have recess and then eat lunch in the cafeteria. The afternoon includes continued learning with a focus in Social Studies or Science, Writing, and Religion. There is also a short rest time, afternoon snack, and cooperative play. Each day is fun and exciting for our young, active learners! 

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Kindergarten Highlights

Kindergarten Teachers

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Kara Hidlay

Kindergarten Teacher


Kindergarten Teacher

Kristine Cook

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