Please see the St. Mary Kindergarten Entry Policy if your child turns 5 in September, October or November, and you are interested in enrolling in kindergarten! We evaluate the whole child and determine if they are ready for Kindergarten at St. Mary.
We offer a full day program and a half day morning program
We wear uniforms to school every day
We start attending Mass on All Saint’s Day in November
We go on fun field trips to the apple orchard and the Detroit Zoo that enrich our curriculum
We attend 6 “specials” classes each week: Art, Library, Computer, Music, Physical Education, and Spanish
A Typical Day in Kindergarten at St. Mary
Kindergarten at St. Mary is a very special year full of many learning experiences. Each day begins with a morning meeting, which is built on a daily routine that teaches math, literacy, movement, listening, and speaking skills. Through hands-on learning centers, our teachers are able to work with small groups of children, allowing for more individualized instruction. Learning centers focus on the core subjects: Reading, Phonics, Math, Writing, and Word Work. The St. Mary Kindergarten program balances the academic knowledge that is foundational for future learning with the sensory and motor experiences that are so vital for a child’s development. The Kindergarten students have recess and then eat lunch in the cafeteria. The afternoon includes continued learning with a focus in Social Studies or Science, Writing, and Religion. There is also a short rest time, afternoon snack, and cooperative play. Each day is fun and exciting for our young, active learners!

Kindergarten Highlights
Kindergarten Teachers

Kara Hidlay
Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten Teacher
Kristine Cook