Fourth & Fifth Grade
Students switch classes for the first time. The 4th/5th Team Teachers each provide instruction for the subject areas they specialize in.
Students are required to use a daily class planner and an expandable folder with tabs for each subject to help them stay organized
We only write in cursive!
Students start writing in the 5 Paragraph Format.
We teach all subjects every day.
Fourth and fifth graders can participate in extracurricular activities; Altar Servers, Safety Patrol, Choir, Scouts, Ski Club, and Drama Club.
Students can join the St. Mary CYO sports teams for volleyball, cross country, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, and baseball.
We also offer vicariate sports teams combined with other local Catholic schools for football, softball, and track.
We go on an overnight camping trip at Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center.
4th graders can now join choir.
A Typical Day in Fourth & Fifth Grade at St. Mary
Morning Homeroom: Students listen to morning announcements and get any important information from their homeroom teacher.
Morning Class Rotations: The 4th and 5th Grade students travel to classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Religion).
Specials: It's time for students to spend time in Spanish, Computers, Gym, Art, Music, or Library.
Lunch Time and Recess
Afternoon Class Rotations: The 4th and 5th Grade students travel to classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Religion)
Afternoon Homeroom Students return to their homerooms for the last 20 minutes of the day to clean-up, pack-up, and fill out academic planners

Maryann Bucia
Middle School Teacher

Angela Clark
Middle School Teacher

Judy Amster
Middle School Teacher

Ronald Merritt
Middle School Teacher

Ashley Ziemman
Middle School Teacher